Gresham Sanitary Service

Your Garbage Is Our Bread And Butter!

Gresham Sanitary Service has been happily serving Gresham and Portland, Oregon since 1948. What started out as a father and son sanitation service has since erupted into a blooming business covering not only the city of Gresham, but also reaching out across East Multnomah County and other parts of the Portland Metro area. With customer satisfaction in mind, we offer the best eco-friendly services for our customers that are professional and fast, as well as honest and cost effective. To make sure this happens we only operate quality trucks, and utilize the latest technologies available for communication and computer-based equipment to ensure that everything is done quickly and effectively.

Check out our
CNG Garbage Truck!

We were the first company in Oregon to have a Compressed Natural Gas garbage truck. This technology is better for the air & the earth – and we are committed to protecting both.

Covering Both Residential & Commercial

Looking for Trash Disposal or Commercial Drop Boxes? GSS is 100% committed to being the best eco-friendly sanitation service in the greater Gresham area, Gresham Sanitary Service will give you nothing but top notch quality every time. Whatever the weather, be it raining hard or shining bright, you can rest easy knowing that Gresham Sanitary has you covered. And always remember – Your garbage is our bread and butter!

Residential and Commercial services include of course single family dwelling service, but serve a diverse mixture of apartments, multi-family complexes, restaurants, construction & demolition sites.

From large hospitals to one doctor offices, with expertise and the utmost security.

Drop Boxes

Commercial and Residential
Click one for more info.

Online Payments & Paperless Billing

Contact us today if you have any questions or would like to set up one of our services.
Also remember to keep up with our blog for updates and stories from the street!

Over 75 Years in Business

Serving Portland & Gresham since 1948

Weather related updates will be listed here

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